In a captivating episode of Shark Tank India, investor Aman Gupta stole the spotlight by closing a remarkable deal with a founder whose journey from a...
At just 21 years old, Shah’s journey from delivering food to shaping the digital landscape of Gujarat is nothing short of remarkable. With around 18.7k Instagram...
In a tale that reads like a startup fairytale, WittyFeed, India’s biggest and the world’s second-largest viral content marketing platform, is painting the town red with...
Yogita Lodha, a talented writer and poet from Ahmedabad, seamlessly balances her love for numbers with her passion for writing. Her journey is a testament to...
“All Sharks Unite for ‘Dharaksha Ecosolutions‘ Deal: Rs 1,250 with 100 Bonus Hours! on Shark Tank India Season 3” In a world plagued by environmental challenges,...
15 Years old young boy with 12k Followers – known for his sheer passion, dedication, and unwavering commitment to personal branding and content creation – Aryan...
The journey of Theka Coffee, from its inception to its current success, is a testament to resilience and strategic growth. Founder Bhupinder Madan‘s pitch on Shark...
Embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship is a thrilling yet challenging endeavor, especially when it comes to securing the necessary funding to fuel your business growth....