In a captivating episode of Shark Tank India, investor Aman Gupta stole the spotlight by closing a remarkable deal with a founder whose journey from a...
In a tale that reads like a startup fairytale, WittyFeed, India’s biggest and the world’s second-largest viral content marketing platform, is painting the town red with...
“All Sharks Unite for ‘Dharaksha Ecosolutions‘ Deal: Rs 1,250 with 100 Bonus Hours! on Shark Tank India Season 3” In a world plagued by environmental challenges,...
The journey of Theka Coffee, from its inception to its current success, is a testament to resilience and strategic growth. Founder Bhupinder Madan‘s pitch on Shark...
In a remarkable episode of Shark Tank India-3, Nasher Miles, a Mumbai-based startup specializing in designer bags, achieved a groundbreaking valuation of Rs 200 crore and...
In a jaw-dropping tale of savvy business and calculated risk-taking, Shark Tank India judge Aman Gupta shares his remarkable journey as a mentor and investor, turning...