In a remarkable feat, the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M) has achieved unprecedented success in fundraising, amassing a staggering Rs 513 crore during the financial...
TruckSuvidha – In the ever-changing face of the Indian logistics business, a breakthrough concept emerged, driven by the imaginative minds of Ishu Bansal and Amit Punaini....
Shocking news gripped the entrepreneurial world as the Reserve Bank of India’s Innovation Hub (RBIH) peeled back the curtain on a harsh truth: a mere 3%...
In a staggering turn of events, Indian AI startups have been rocked by a seismic 71% plunge in funding during the tumultuous year of 2023. Traxcn’s...
In 2018, Rohan Nayak found himself stuck in a crowded metro, pondering the lack of innovation in audio storytelling during his daily commute from Gurugram to..., a leading innovator in embedded edge machine learning (ML) technologies, has announced a significant boost in its funding, securing an additional $70 million. This latest...
In the realm of mental health technology, a groundbreaking venture is making waves. Mave Health, a dynamic startup founded in 2023, is on a mission to...
In the vibrant world of dance, one name stands out for its sheer brilliance and dedication – Keyur Vaghela. Let’s embark on a captivating journey tracing...